Is Millie Bobby Brown Homophobic? Unraveling the Truth

Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown, the young actress who rose to fame with her portrayal of Eleven in the hit Netflix series “Stranger Things”, has captured the hearts of millions around the world. Despite her young age, she has already established herself as a talented actress and a role model for many. However, in recent years, a controversy has emerged around the question: “Is Millie Bobby Brown homophobic?” This article aims to provide an in-depth look into the origins of these rumors, the impact they have had on the actress, and the broader implications of this issue for society at large.

Background on Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown, born on February 19, 2004, in Marbella, Spain, is a British actress who gained widespread recognition for her breakthrough role as Eleven in the critically acclaimed Netflix series, “Stranger Things”. Raised in a family with English roots, Millie moved to Bournemouth, Dorset, when she was four years old and later to Orlando, Florida, in 2011.  Despite having no formal acting training, her innate talent and determination led her to secure an agent and pursue an acting career.

Millie made her acting debut in 2013 with a guest appearance on the television show “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland”, followed by roles in popular series such as “NCIS”, “Modern Family”, and “Grey’s Anatomy”. However, it was her portrayal of Eleven, a young girl with telekinetic powers, in “Stranger Things” that propelled her to international stardom. The success of the show earned her a Primetime Emmy Award nomination, making her one of the youngest nominees in the award’s history.

Since her rise to fame, Millie has ventured into film, starring in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” and “Enola Holmes”, where she played the titular character and also served as a producer. Beyond her acting career, Millie has been an advocate for various causes, including children’s rights, mental health, and LGBTQ+ issues, using her platform to raise awareness and inspire positive change. With her undeniable talent and dedication to making a difference, Millie Bobby Brown has become a role model for young people around the world.

The Origins of the Rumor

The Origins of the Rumor

The accusations of homophobia directed towards Millie Bobby Brown can be traced back to 2018, when a series of memes began circulating on social media, primarily on Twitter. These memes featured images of the actress, accompanied by fabricated quotes that were supposedly homophobic in nature. These statements were often vulgar, offensive, and completely out of character for the young actress, who was only 14 at the time.

According to sources such as Vox and PinkNews, the memes originated from a small group of users on social media who claimed that the posts were satirical and intended as a joke. The creators of these memes allegedly found it amusing to depict the innocent and seemingly harmless actress as a homophobic villain, purely for shock value. However, this so-called humor quickly took a dark turn as the memes began to spread and gain traction on various social media platforms.

The Impact on Millie Bobby Brown

As the memes proliferated, many people became genuinely convinced that the fabricated quotes were real, leading to a significant backlash against Millie Bobby Brown. The young actress was subjected to intense cyberbullying and harassment, to the point where she was forced to delete her Twitter account in June 2018 to escape the online vitriol. Despite the fact that the claims of homophobia were entirely baseless, the damage to Millie Bobby Brown’s reputation and emotional well-being was already done.

In an interview with Glamour Magazine, Brown addressed the issue, stating, “I want to be able to have a light-hearted conversation with my friends without people thinking that I’m being hateful. It’s hurtful when people say things that aren’t true. I have friends and family that are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I love them very much.”

Setting the Record Straight

In the wake of the controversy, numerous sources have come forward to debunk the allegations of homophobia against Millie Bobby Brown. The actress has consistently demonstrated her support for the LGBTQ+ community, both in her personal life and in her public appearances. For instance, she has frequently attended events such as the GLAAD Media Awards, which celebrate and honor media for their fair and accurate representation of the LGBTQ+ community.

Furthermore, Brown has actively used her platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and raise awareness about issues affecting the community. In 2020, she teamed up with UNICEF to launch a campaign called “Go Blue,” which aimed to end bullying and discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth. She has also voiced her support for marriage equality and transgender rights on multiple occasions.

The Broader Implications of the Controversy

Millie Bobby Brown

While the allegations of homophobia against Millie Bobby Brown have been thoroughly debunked, the controversy surrounding the actress serves as a sobering reminder of the power of social media and the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly online. In this digital age, it is crucial for individuals to exercise critical thinking skills and verify the accuracy of information before sharing it with others.

Moreover, the malicious intent behind the creation of homophobic memes demonstrates a concerning lack of empathy and understanding in our society. It raises important questions about the ethics of online behavior and the responsibility that social media users have in ensuring that their actions do not harm others. While satire and humor can be powerful tools for challenging societal norms and raising awareness about important issues, it is essential that these forms of expression are not wielded recklessly or maliciously, as they have the potential to inflict lasting damage on innocent individuals.

Lessons learned from the incident

The Millie Bobby Brown controversy, which stemmed from the spread of homophobic memes, provides several important lessons for individuals and society as a whole. First and foremost, the incident underscores the crucial need for critical thinking and fact-checking in the digital age. With the rapid dissemination of information through social media, it is all too easy for misinformation to circulate and gain traction.

As responsible consumers of information, it is our duty to verify the accuracy of the content we encounter and avoid perpetuating false or harmful narratives. The controversy highlights the potential consequences of online actions, even when they may be intended as humor or satire. In the case of Millie Bobby Brown, what began as a purportedly “humorous” meme escalated into a full-blown scandal, with severe repercussions for the young actress’s emotional well-being and reputation.

This serves as a reminder that humor should not be wielded maliciously or at the expense of others and that we must consider the potential impact of our online behavior before sharing or engaging with content. Cyberbullying, as demonstrated in Millie Bobby Brown’s case, can have devastating consequences for the targeted individual. By fostering a culture of kindness and understanding, we can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive online environment for all.

Moving Forward and Emphasizing Positivity

Millie Bobby Brown

In the face of adversity, Millie Bobby Brown has demonstrated remarkable resilience and maturity. She has continued to focus on her career, her advocacy work, and her personal growth, despite the unwarranted attacks on her character. This serves as an inspiration to many, especially young people, who may be struggling with similar challenges in their own lives.

It is essential that we, as a society, learn from the Millie Bobby Brown controversy and work towards creating a more compassionate and empathetic online environment. This includes promoting education about the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging respectful discourse, and holding individuals accountable for their online behavior.


What can we learn from the Millie Bobby Brown controversy?

The controversy serves as a reminder of the power of social media, the potential for misinformation to spread, and the importance of responsible online behavior. It also highlights the need for empathy, compassion, and critical thinking in our online interactions.

Is Millie Bobby Brown an LGBTQ+ ally?

Yes, she has shown herself to be an LGBTQ+ ally through her public support, advocacy work, and personal connections to the community.

How can we prevent similar controversies from occurring in the future?

To prevent similar controversies, individuals must practice critical thinking and fact-checking when encountering information online. Social media platforms should also take proactive measures to prevent the spread of misinformation and harmful content.

How did the public react to the controversy?

Many people were initially misled by the memes and believed the false accusations. However, as the truth emerged, public opinion shifted, and she received support from her fans and the wider public.

What are some ways to support LGBTQ+ rights and combat misinformation?

To support LGBTQ+ rights and combat misinformation, individuals can educate themselves on LGBTQ+ issues, promote respectful discourse, share accurate information, and hold others accountable for their online behavior.

What can we do as individuals to create a more compassionate and empathetic online environment?

As individuals, we can promote kindness, understanding, and empathy in our online interactions. This includes refraining from sharing harmful or misleading content, engaging in respectful discourse, and supporting those who are targeted by cyberbullying. By fostering a more inclusive and supportive online environment, we can contribute to a healthier and more responsible digital ecosystem.


In conclusion, the allegations of homophobia against Millie Bobby Brown have been proven to be baseless and malicious in nature. The young actress has consistently demonstrated her support for the LGBTQ+ community and has used her platform to advocate for their rights.

The controversy surrounding her serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of misinformation and the need for responsible social media use. Ultimately, it is crucial that we all work together to foster a more positive and inclusive online environment, where individuals can express themselves freely without fear of harm or prejudice.