Author: Verica Gavrillovic

The Psychological Impact of Living in Luxury on Long-Term Romantic Relationship Sustainability

Material wealth offers comfort and happiness, but its impact on long-term romantic relationships can be complicated. While luxury enhances emotional connections, it also brings challenges that can disrupt relational harmony. Factors like material values, economic pressures, and communication play key roles in shaping how couples balance wealth with emotional intimacy. […]

Exploring Different Types of Massages for Relaxation

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and tension are commonplace, massages have become a popular method for relaxation and rejuvenation. Massage therapy offers a range of techniques and styles, each designed to address specific needs and provide relief from the physical and mental strains of everyday life. Whether you seek […]

Vacuuming 101: What Not to Suck Up for a Cleaner Home

Vacuums are versatile household cleaning devices, but just like any other appliance, there are things that shouldn’t go in them because they can’t handle them. They can cause clogs and sometimes even electrical failures. For safety and operational concerns, it’s advisable to skip vacuuming the following types of messes so […]

What Is a Marketplace?

The modern business sphere offers multiple types of reaching a target audience and building relations between sellers and customers. Along with online and offline stores, marketplaces have come as an effective method of reaching clients. In the article, we’re going to focus on the issue “Marketplace – what is it?”. […]